Divine love surrounds and fills me

Divine love surrounds and fills me

Divine love surrounds and fills me

Divine love surrounds and fills you. It is a powerful force that embraces you completely, leaving no space for negativity or doubt. This divine love is all-encompassing, unconditional, and everlasting. It is a love that is beyond comprehension, beyond human limitations.

When you affirm that divine love surrounds and fills you, you are opening yourself up to receive its blessings and guidance. You are acknowledging that you are not alone in this journey called life, but rather, you are connected to something much greater. This love is not limited by time or space, it transcends all boundaries and extends its embrace to every aspect of your being.

With this affirmation, you are inviting divine love into your heart and soul. You are allowing its presence to heal any past wounds or hurts, and to dissolve any feelings of fear or doubt. Divine love brings forth an inner peace and a sense of calmness, knowing that you are held in its loving embrace.

As you begin to truly believe in the affirmation that divine love surrounds and fills you, you will experience a shift in your energy. You will notice an increase in self-confidence and a deep acceptance of yourself as a cherished being. Your relationships will be infused with this divine love, bringing forth deeper connections and understanding.

Remember, divine love is not something external that you need to seek. It is already within you, and all around you. It is the essence of your being, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. Allow yourself to be filled with this love, and watch as it transforms your life in the most beautiful and miraculous ways.
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