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Thinking of You
90 Sad Messages
The pain is suffocating
I'll be ok. Just not today
My heart feels heavy today
I miss you so much it hurts
The sadness is consuming me
My heart is heavy with grief
The sadness is all-consuming
My heart is heavy with sorrow
The emptiness is overwhelming
The sadness seems to never end
It hurts so much to say goodbye
My heart is so broken right now
My tears just won't stop falling
I'm feeling so lost and confused
The pain is just too much to bear
My heart feels like it's bleeding
My heart aches with a deep sadness
It hurts to even breathe right now
I'm feeling lost and alone right now
The sadness is like a bottomless pit
My heart is hurting so much right now
My heart is so heavy with this sadness
My heart is aching with a deep sadness
I never thought I would feel so broken
My heart is drowning in a sea of tears
My heart is in a constant state of pain
My heart is in a constant state of ache
My heart feels like it's been torn apart
My heart is heavy with regret and sorrow
My heart is weighed down by this sadness
It's hard to see any hope for the future
The sadness is like a fog that won't lift
It's hard to find any comfort in anything
My heart is consumed by this deep sadness
My heart feels so heavy with this sadness
It's hard to find any reason to keep going
I feel like I'm drowning in my own emotions
It's hard to find any peace in this turmoil
My heart is shattered into a million pieces
It's hard to find any hope in this darkness
It's hard to see any light in this darkness
My heart is in a constant state of mourning
It's hard to see any way out of this despair
It's hard to find any light in this darkness
The sadness is like a never-ending nightmare
It's hard to find the light in this darkness
My life feels empty without you here with me
It's hard to see any way out of this darkness
I feel like I'm stuck in this sadness forever
It's hard to imagine ever feeling happy again
It's hard to see any joy in anything right now
It's hard to imagine a future without this pain
The sadness is like a wound that just won't heal
The sadness is like a storm that just won't pass
The sadness is like a wound that keeps reopening
My heart is consumed by this overwhelming sadness
It's hard to fake a smile when I'm feeling so sad
My heart is heavy with the weight of this sadness
I just don't know how to move on from this sadness
It's hard to see any way forward from this sadness
The world just seems so cruel and unfair right now
It's hard to find any solace in anything right now
It's hard to find any comfort in anything right now
The sadness is like a trap that I can't escape from
The sadness is like a storm that's tearing me apart
I wish I could turn back time and make things right
It's hard to find any meaning in anything right now
It's hard to find any purpose in anything right now
I wish I could turn back the clock and change things
The sadness is like a hole that's impossible to fill
It's hard to find any joy in life when I feel so sad
My heart feels like it's been ripped out of my chest
My heart is hurting so much that I can barely breathe
The sadness is like a prison that I can't escape from
My heart feels like it's been shattered beyond repair
The sadness is like a burden that's too heavy to carry
The sadness is like a shadow that follows me everywhere
The sadness is like a cloud that's blocking out the sun
The sadness is like a constant ache that never goes away
The sadness is like a nightmare that I can't wake up from
I wish I could escape this sadness, but it's always there
I'm so overwhelmed with sadness that I can't think straight
The sadness is like a dark cloud that follows me everywhere
The sadness is like a never-ending cycle that I can't escape
The sadness is like a poison that's spreading through my veins
The sadness is like a deep, dark pit that I can't climb out of
The sadness is like a weight on my chest that I can't shake off
The sadness is like a fire that's burning me from the inside out
My heart is in pieces and I don't know how to put it back together
The sadness is like a weight on my shoulders that I can't shake off
A best friend is someone who can make you laugh, even when you feel like crying
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