Every time I hold your hand, I feel so lucky

Every time I hold your hand, I feel so lucky

Every time I hold your hand, I feel so lucky

Every time I hold your hand, I feel so lucky. It's as if all the stars align and everything falls into place. The warmth and comfort that radiate from your touch make me realize how fortunate I am to have you in my life. It's a simple gesture, yet it holds so much meaning and significance for me.

When our hands intertwine, it's like a connection is formed between our souls. I can feel your love and support flowing through your fingertips, reassuring me that I am not alone in this journey. It's a beautiful reminder that we are in this together, facing life's ups and downs hand in hand.

Your touch has the power to calm my restless mind and ease my worries. It's as if all my troubles melt away, and I am left with a sense of peace and contentment. Holding your hand grounds me, reminding me of the love and happiness we share.
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