I am a conduit of universal energy, channeling it for the greater good

I am a conduit of universal energy, channeling it for the greater good

I am a conduit of universal energy, channeling it for the greater good

I am a conduit of universal energy, channeling it for the greater good. This affirmation empowers you to recognize your innate ability to tap into the vast energy that surrounds us. You have the potential to harness this energy and use it for positive purposes.

When you view yourself as a conduit, you understand that you are not the sole source of this energy. Instead, you are a vessel, allowing the universal energy to flow through you. This perspective helps you to remain humble and grounded, knowing that the energy is not yours to possess or control, but rather to share and distribute.

By embracing the role of a conduit, you open yourself up to the infinite possibilities that exist within the universe. You become a channel for positivity, love, and healing energy. As you allow universal energy to flow through you, you begin to radiate this energy out into the world, affecting those around you in a profound and meaningful way.

Every interaction you have, every action you take, becomes an opportunity to channel universal energy for the greater good. Whether it is a simple act of kindness, a heartfelt conversation, or a grand gesture, you have the power to make a positive impact on others' lives. By consciously choosing to channel universal energy in every moment, you become an instrument of change and transformation.
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