I am confident in my ability to attract positive relationships into my life

I am confident in my ability to attract positive relationships into my life

I am confident in my ability to attract positive relationships into my life

When it comes to relationships, it's easy to feel like you're not in control. You might feel like you're constantly attracting negative people or that you're not worthy of positive relationships. But the truth is, you have the power to attract positive relationships into your life.

By affirming that "I am confident in my ability to attract positive relationships into my life" you're setting yourself up for success. You're acknowledging that you have the power to attract what you want, and that you're worthy of positive relationships.

But how do you actually attract positive relationships? It starts with your mindset. If you believe that you're not worthy of positive relationships, you'll likely attract people who reinforce that belief. On the other hand, if you believe that you're deserving of love and respect, you'll attract people who treat you accordingly.

Another important factor is your behavior. If you're constantly negative or closed off, you're not likely to attract positive relationships. But if you're open, friendly, and kind, you'll attract people who share those qualities.

Of course, attracting positive relationships isn't always easy. You might encounter setbacks or negative people along the way. But by affirming your confidence in your ability to attract positive relationships, you're reminding yourself that you have the power to overcome those obstacles.

So the next time you're feeling discouraged about your relationships, remember this affirmation: "I am confident in my ability to attract positive relationships into my life". Believe in yourself, focus on your mindset and behavior, and trust that the universe will bring you the relationships you deserve.
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