I am deserving of limitless love

I am deserving of limitless love

I am deserving of limitless love

You are deserving of limitless love. You may sometimes doubt it, but deep down, you know it's true. Love is not something you have to earn or prove yourself worthy of. Love is your birthright, simply because you exist.

The world may try to convince you otherwise. It may try to make you believe that you have to be perfect, achieve certain goals, or meet certain standards to be deserving of love. But that is a lie. You are deserving of love just as you are, with all your flaws and imperfections.

There is no limit to the love that you deserve. There is an infinite amount of love available to you, waiting to embrace you and fill your heart. The more you embrace this affirmation and truly believe in it, the more love you will attract into your life.

Remember, love starts from within. It begins with loving and accepting yourself unconditionally. Embrace your strengths and weaknesses, your light and darkness. For it is in accepting all of yourself that you can truly love and be loved.

When you believe in your worthiness of love, you open yourself up to receiving it in all its forms, whether it's from friends, family, or a romantic partner. You deserve love that is kind, supportive, and empowering. You deserve love that uplifts and inspires you.

So, repeat this affirmation to yourself every day: "I am deserving of limitless love." Believe it with all your heart and watch as love flows effortlessly into your life. Open your arms, open your heart, and allow the love that you deserve to surround you.
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