I am in harmony with the energy of money

I am in harmony with the energy of money

I am in harmony with the energy of money

Have you ever felt like you're not making enough money? Or that you're constantly struggling to make ends meet? It's a common feeling, but it doesn't have to be your reality. By affirming that you are in harmony with the energy of money, you can shift your mindset and attract abundance into your life.

Being in harmony with the energy of money means that you are aligned with the flow of abundance. You believe that there is enough money to go around and that you are deserving of your share. You don't view money as a scarce resource that you have to fight for, but rather as a tool that can help you achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life.

When you are in harmony with the energy of money, you are open to receiving abundance in all forms. You don't limit yourself to a specific income or source of wealth, but instead, you trust that the universe will provide for you in unexpected ways. You are grateful for the money that comes into your life, whether it's through your job, investments, or other means.

To be in harmony with the energy of money, you must also be willing to let go of any negative beliefs or emotions that are holding you back. This may include feelings of guilt or shame around money, or limiting beliefs about your ability to earn a certain amount. By releasing these negative emotions, you create space for abundance to flow into your life.

One way to affirm your alignment with the energy of money is to visualize yourself surrounded by abundance. Imagine yourself living in a beautiful home, driving a luxurious car, and enjoying all the experiences that money can provide. Feel the joy and gratitude that comes with this abundance, and know that it is already on its way to you.

Remember, being in harmony with the energy of money is not about being greedy or materialistic. It's about recognizing that money is a powerful tool that can help you live your best life. By affirming your alignment with the energy of money, you can attract abundance into your life and create the financial freedom you desire.
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