I am protected by a shield of positive energy

I am protected by a shield of positive energy

I am protected by a shield of positive energy

Feeling safe and secure is something we all strive for in life. We want to be protected from negativity and surrounded by positivity. That is why affirming yourself with the statement, "I am protected by a shield of positive energy," can be incredibly empowering.

When you repeat this affirmation daily, you are acknowledging and amplifying the power of positivity in your life. By envisioning a shield of positive energy surrounding you, you are creating a barrier against anything that may harm your well-being. This shield acts as a filter, allowing only positive experiences, thoughts, and emotions to come your way.

With this affirmation, you are attracting positive people and situations into your life. You are creating a force field that repels negativity and shields you from the harmful effects it might have. When you believe in the power of positivity, you will find that negative experiences no longer hold the same weight they once did.

By consciously choosing to cultivate a shield of positive energy, you are also influencing those around you. Your positive energy becomes contagious, uplifting those who come in contact with you. People are drawn to your positive aura, and you become a catalyst for spreading happiness and joy.

It's important to remember that this affirmation is not a guarantee that life will be without challenges or obstacles. However, what it does ensure is that you will face these challenges with strength and resilience. When you embrace the shield of positive energy, you approach difficulties with a positive mindset and the belief that you are protected and guided towards the best possible outcome.

So, repeat this affirmation daily and allow it to seep into your subconscious mind. Visualize the shield of positive energy surrounding you, protecting you from negativity and attracting positivity into your life. Trust in the power of your own positive energy and watch as it transforms your life for the better.
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