I am worthy of being listened to and understood

I am worthy of being listened to and understood

I am worthy of being listened to and understood

It can be frustrating when you feel like no one is listening to you or trying to understand your perspective. It can make you feel small and insignificant, like your thoughts and feelings don't matter. But the truth is, you are worthy of being listened to and understood. Your thoughts and feelings are valid, and they deserve to be heard.

When you affirm to yourself that "I am worthy of being listened to and understood" you are reminding yourself of your inherent value as a human being. You are acknowledging that your voice matters, and that you have something important to contribute to the world. This affirmation can help you feel more confident and empowered in your interactions with others.

Of course, it's not always easy to get others to listen to you or understand where you're coming from. People have their own biases and perspectives, and sometimes they may not be willing or able to see things from your point of view. But that doesn't mean you should give up on being heard. Keep speaking up, keep sharing your thoughts and feelings, and keep reminding yourself that you are worthy of being listened to and understood.

One way to increase the likelihood of being heard and understood is to practice active listening yourself. When you listen to others with an open mind and a willingness to understand, you create a space for them to do the same for you. By showing others that you value their thoughts and feelings, you are more likely to receive the same in return.

Remember, you are not powerless in your interactions with others. You have the ability to assert yourself and make your voice heard. By affirming to yourself that "I am worthy of being listened to and understood" you are taking a powerful step towards claiming your own agency and making a positive impact on the world around you.
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