I am worthy of expressing my feelings

I am worthy of expressing my feelings

I am worthy of expressing my feelings

You have the right to express yourself, to share what is inside of you. Your feelings matter and have value. It is important to acknowledge that you are worthy of expressing whatever you are experiencing.

Expressing your feelings is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength. By expressing yourself, you are opening up, being honest, and showing your true self to the world. You deserve to be heard and understood.

When you express your feelings, you are allowing yourself to be vulnerable, which can be scary at times. However, it is through vulnerability that we connect with others on a deeper level. By expressing your feelings, you are building genuine connections and relationships.

Suppressing your feelings can lead to internal turmoil and can affect your overall well-being. It is important to give yourself permission to feel and express your emotions. By doing so, you are taking care of yourself and honoring your own emotions.

Remember that expressing your feelings does not mean you have to be confrontational or aggressive. You have the power to express yourself calmly and respectfully. Your feelings are valid, and how you choose to communicate them is up to you.

Affirm to yourself, "I am worthy of expressing my feelings." Remind yourself that your feelings matter and have significance. You deserve to be heard, understood, and supported. Embrace your feelings and allow yourself the freedom to express them authentically.
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