I have a universe inside me, and it's far mightier than any external fear

I have a universe inside me, and it's far mightier than any external fear

I have a universe inside me, and it's far mightier than any external fear

I want you to take a moment and think about this affirmation: “I have a universe inside me, and it's far mightier than any external fear.” Let that sink in for a moment. You, yes you, possess an entire universe within yourself. It's not something that you can physically see or touch, but it's there, residing deep within your very being.

Think about all the fears that have held you back in life. The moments when you let self-doubt and external circumstances overpower your potential. Now, imagine this vast universe inside you. It holds all your dreams, hopes, and abilities. It's your inner strength, your resilience, your power to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Sure, external fears may seem daunting at times. They might try to intimidate you, make you doubt yourself. But here's the thing: they're no match for the universe within you. Your inner universe is far mightier than any external fear you may face. It's your source of unwavering belief, courage, and determination.

When you tap into this universe within, you unleash unimaginable power. You become capable of facing any challenge head-on. No fear or obstacle can stand in your way. It's like having an entire galaxy of strength at your disposal. You are the master of your universe, and you have the ability to shape your reality.

Remember, the universe inside you holds infinite possibilities. It's a reminder that you are not defined by your external circumstances; you have the power to create your own destiny. Embrace this affirmation, let it become a guiding light in your life.

So, when you feel overwhelmed by external fears, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and connect with that vast universe within. Allow its might and power to wash over you, reminding you that you are capable of greatness. Believe in yourself, for you possess a universe far mightier than any external fear.
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