I release any resistance and surrender to the flow of joy that is always available to me

I release any resistance and surrender to the flow of joy that is always available to me

I release any resistance and surrender to the flow of joy that is always available to me

Do you ever feel like you're fighting against the current of life? Like everything is a struggle and nothing seems to go your way? It's easy to get caught up in resistance and forget that joy is always available to you. That's where the affirmation "I release any resistance and surrender to the flow of joy that is always available to me" comes in.

When you repeat this affirmation, you're reminding yourself to let go of resistance and surrender to the flow of life. You're acknowledging that joy is always available to you, but sometimes you need to get out of your own way to experience it.

Resistance can take many forms. It might be fear, doubt, or worry. It might be a belief that things should be a certain way, and anything that deviates from that is wrong. Whatever form it takes, resistance creates tension and blocks the flow of joy.

Surrender, on the other hand, is about letting go of control and trusting that everything is working out for your highest good. It's about being open to new experiences and allowing life to unfold in its own way. When you surrender, you create space for joy to flow into your life.

Joy is always available to you, but sometimes you need to shift your focus to experience it. When you're caught up in resistance, you're focused on what's wrong or what you don't want. When you surrender, you shift your focus to what's possible and what you do want. This shift in focus allows you to see the joy that's already present in your life.

The flow of joy is like a river. It's always moving, always changing, and always available to you. When you resist the flow, you create a dam that blocks the joy from reaching you. When you surrender, you remove the dam and allow the joy to flow freely.

Releasing resistance and surrendering to the flow of joy is a practice. It's not something that happens overnight, but with consistent effort, you can create a new way of being. When you repeat the affirmation "I release any resistance and surrender to the flow of joy that is always available to me" you're reminding yourself of your intention to let go of resistance and allow joy to flow into your life.

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