My aura is protective

My aura is protective

My aura is protective

Affirmations are powerful statements that can help to shape our thoughts and beliefs. One such affirmation is: "My aura is protective." The aura is the subtle energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates our physical body, acting as a shield against negative energies. When you affirm that your aura is protective, you are acknowledging and strengthening this natural barrier.

Your aura is like a force field that surrounds you, extending a few feet in all directions. It is composed of multiple layers, each with its own qualities and functions. By affirming that your aura is protective, you are reinforcing the strength and resilience of these layers.

When you repeat the affirmation, "My aura is protective," you remind yourself of the inherent power within you. This power shields you from any harmful or negative energies that may come your way. It acts as a filter, allowing only positive and uplifting vibrations to enter your space.

Your aura is influenced by your thoughts, emotions, and actions. When you have positive thoughts and maintain a peaceful mindset, your aura becomes even stronger. It radiates a positive energy that repels any negative forces around you.

When you consciously affirm that your aura is protective, you become more aware of the energy you are emitting. You become more attuned to your surroundings, noticing any imbalances or disturbances in the energy field. By doing so, you can take proactive steps to strengthen and cleanse your aura, ensuring that it remains a strong shield of protection.

Visualizing a bright and vibrant aura around you while repeating the affirmation can be beneficial. Imagine this radiant light expanding and encompassing your entire being. Picture it acting as a shield that repels any negative energy and allows only positivity to flow into your space.

Remember, your aura is not only protective but also healing. It absorbs any negative energy and transmutes it into positive vibrations. By affirming that your aura is protective, you tap into this inherent ability to transmute and cleanse energy.

By using the affirmation, "My aura is protective," you are reclaiming your power and taking charge of your energetic space. You are reminding yourself that you have the ability to repel negativity and maintain a positive and uplifting environment.

So, whenever you feel a need for extra protection or find yourself in an environment that feels energetically draining, repeat the affirmation: "My aura is protective." Feel the power of these words and allow them to strengthen and fortify your energetic shield. Trust in the inherent resilience of your aura and know that it acts as a guardian of your well-being.
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