My worth is not dependent on external validation or approval

My worth is not dependent on external validation or approval

My worth is not dependent on external validation or approval

It's easy to fall into the trap of seeking external validation and approval. We often look to others to tell us that we're doing a good job, that we're worthy, and that we're enough. But the truth is, our worth is not dependent on what others think of us. It's something that comes from within.

When you rely on external validation, you give away your power. You allow others to determine your worth, and that can be a dangerous game to play. What happens when someone doesn't approve of you? What happens when you don't get the validation you're seeking? It can leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled.

But when you embrace the affirmation that your worth is not dependent on external validation or approval, you take back your power. You recognize that you are enough just as you are, and that your worth is not determined by anyone else.

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't seek feedback or listen to constructive criticism. It simply means that you don't base your worth on what others think of you. You trust yourself and your own judgment, and you know that you are capable of making your own decisions.

When you live by this affirmation, you become more confident and self-assured. You don't need others to tell you that you're doing a good job or that you're worthy. You know it already. And that knowledge gives you the strength to pursue your dreams and live the life you want.

So the next time you find yourself seeking external validation or approval, remember this affirmation: "My worth is not dependent on external validation or approval". Repeat it to yourself until it sinks in. And then go out and live your life with confidence and self-assurance. You are enough, just as you are.