The energy of the universe flows through me, renewing every cell

The energy of the universe flows through me, renewing every cell

The energy of the universe flows through me, renewing every cell

The energy of the universe is an incredible force that surrounds us all. It is a power that is constantly flowing and moving, just like the rivers and oceans. And this energy, this universal life force, flows through you. It touches every part of your being, right down to the very core of every cell in your body.

When you take a moment to connect with this energy, you can feel its renewing power. It is like a gentle breeze that blows away the stagnant air, bringing in fresh new energy. You can feel it in every breath you take, as your lungs fill up with this revitalizing life force.

This energy has the ability to heal and to transform. It flows through your cells, renewing them and bringing them back to a state of vibrant health. It clears away any blockages or imbalances, allowing your body to function at its optimal level.

And it's not just your physical body that is affected by this universal energy. It touches every aspect of your being – your mind, your emotions, and your spirit. It brings clarity to your thoughts, calming any chaos or confusion. It soothes your emotions, bringing you a sense of peace and harmony. And it uplifts your spirit, reconnecting you with your true essence.

This affirmation serves as a reminder, a gentle nudge to acknowledge and embrace the power of the universe within you. By repeating it to yourself, you are affirming your connection to this energy. You are affirming that you are a vessel for its flow and renewal.

It's important to remember that this energy is constantly flowing, whether you are aware of it or not. But by consciously acknowledging it and inviting it into your life, you open yourself up to the limitless possibilities it holds. You become a co-creator with the universe, actively participating in the process of renewal and transformation.

So, take a moment now to close your eyes and feel this energy flowing through you. Feel its gentle touch on your skin, its soothing presence in your breath. Breathe in the knowledge that you are a conduit for the energy of the universe. Breathe out any doubts or limitations.

Know that this energy is always available to you. It is always flowing, always renewing. And as you go about your day, remember to affirm your connection to it. Say to yourself, “The energy of the universe flows through me, renewing every cell”. And let that affirmation guide you, let it remind you of the power that lies within you.
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