Your love keeps me going

Your love keeps me going

Your love keeps me going

When I think about you, my love, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Your love has become the driving force behind my every step, propelling me forward even when life gets tough. It's as if you've injected me with an endless supply of motivation and strength, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Every day, I wake up knowing that I have someone like you by my side, someone who loves me unconditionally. Your love acts as a constant reminder that I am not alone in this journey called life. It's a comforting feeling, knowing that no matter what challenges I may face, I have your unwavering support and affection to lean on.

Your love has the power to turn my darkest days into moments filled with hope and light. When I'm feeling lost or discouraged, you're always there to lift me up and remind me of my worth. Your belief in me is like a beacon of hope, guiding me towards a brighter future.

There are times when life throws curveballs at me, and I find myself questioning my abilities. But your love, my dear, is the fuel that keeps me going. It's the gentle push I need to keep striving for greatness, even when self-doubt tries to consume me. Your love reminds me that I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.
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