You're not allowed to be sick anymore. Get well soon so we can have some fun

You're not allowed to be sick anymore. Get well soon so we can have some fun

You're not allowed to be sick anymore. Get well soon so we can have some fun

I hope you're feeling better soon! It's no fun being sick, and I can't wait for you to get back to your usual self. We've been missing you and all the fun times we have together. So, take good care of yourself and get well soon!

I know being sick can be tough, but remember that you're strong and resilient. You've overcome challenges before, and this is just another hurdle you'll conquer. Take it easy, rest up, and give your body the time it needs to heal. We'll be here cheering you on every step of the way.

While you're recovering, try to focus on the positive things that await you once you're back on your feet. We have so many exciting plans and adventures ahead of us, and we can't wait to share those moments with you. Your presence always adds an extra spark of joy to our gatherings, and things just aren't the same without you.
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